Set-up complete for return to play on Tuesday - 9 August 2020

Cippenham Table Tennis Club is ready to welcome back members for the first time in nearly five months. On Tuesday 11th August the first balls will be hit but it will be far from normal. Eight tables will be available for members who will have needed to have booked and paid for their session online via the Club's new booking system.
When entering the Club, players must wear a face mask until they reach their own playing court. Upon entering the premises they must first sanitize their hands, then go to the temperature checking point before reporting to the Duty Officer in the lounge. Each player will then be given one ball and must not touch any other. Courts are limited strictly to two players only.
Players will have booked for a one-hour session. Their tables will have been sanitized prior to use and will be again between uses by a different pair of players. After use, balls must be returned to the Duty Office and will then be quarantined for a week. The measures taken by the Club exceed the guideline set by the Government and Table Tennis England.
We welcome the return to play but players must obey the Code of Conduct and the instructions of the Duty Officer. The health and well-being of ours members and volunteers is of paramount importance.
Welcome back!