Umpires' Training Course - 10/17 November 2019
Seven new qualified umpires for Cippenham
Good news for Cippenham TTC when it comes to availability of technical officials. As a result of a two-day course, hosted and organised by Cippenham in conjunction with Table Tennis England, seven Club members were trained and became qualified as Level 1 umpires. Congratulations to Joseph Caldeira, Jan Chapman, Keith Hall, Lawrence Harvey, Jonny Iles, Steve Piercey and Sunjay Thakker. Also qualified was Mehrdad Abutalebi from Basingstoke.
The is timely for the Club as it hosts the Cippenham Junior 4-Star Open Championships in a couple of weeks' time, an event that always stretches the resources of the Club in respect of the available supply of locally based umpires.
Grateful thanks are due to Cippenham Chairman Ken Phillips who organised and hosted the event and to renowned international umpire Harry Jutle who was tutor and assessor.
Pictured above are: (back) Steve Piercey; Jonny Iles; Keith Hall; and (front) Sunjay Thakker.